Piece for nine actors,
including three musicians (Piano, Violin, Accordion, Guitar...)
Text, direction and scenography
Jean-Bernard Philippot
Author published by L'Harmattan
WithAnna Maceda, Agathe Heidelberger, Alex Gangl, Marcel Korenhof, Lili Markov, Charles Morillon or Mickaël Winum, Marie Recours, Clément Bertrand, Raphaël Plockyn.
Assistant director
Marie Remedy
Claude Marquis/Camille Granger
Realization of decorations
Loik Leroy
Max Aubert
Julien Dubuc
Press Officer
Azelma de Grandmaison
From May 4 to 28, 2023 - Sword Theater Of wood -
Cartoucherie de Vincennes
Representations in French
Thursdays and Fridays at 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundayschecks at 2:30 p.m.
Representations in German
Saturdays at 7:00 p.m.
Information, Reservations:
email: ticketing@epeedebois.com/ tel: 01 48 08 39 74

Two young girls – a German and a French – are confronted with the Nazi dictatorship.
Sophie Scholl is a secret activist in Munich within the “White Rose” movement founded by her brother and one of her student friends. In Picardy, the young Frenchwoman, daughter of a railway worker who takes part in the sabotage organized against the occupier, hides a Jewish friend.
We are in 1943. Sophie is about to take a train to distribute her political leaflets in Stuttgart. Very far from home, to the East, the other young girl comes out of a train. She now has a number on her arm.
One word brings them together : Resistance !
"An essential, vital show"PROVENCE"
"An exceptional staging" THE UNION
"A show of universal scope"LICRA - CULTURE
"A text of appalling beauty beautifully interpreted"THE AXONAIS
"A very effective and impactful staging"VIVANTMAG
"A cultural masterpiece" VUDUCHATEAU.COM
"A breathtaking, deeply moving spectacle" GERMAN PRESS
TT dans Télérama !

They wrote to us!
"A magnificent show that moved us, upset us, jostled us!"
Nicolas Fricoteaux, President of the Aisne Departmental Council
"The Compagnie Nomades, its actors, its director, had gradually brought us to the top of the theatrical range; today, it is indeed a question of cultural excellence. "
Alain Reuter, Former Vice-President of the Picardy Region in charge of culture
"Compagnie Nomades and Jean-Bernard Philippot create a masterpiece!"
Arnaud Battefort, Vice-President of the Community of Communes of Val de l'Aisne, Mayor of Vailly sur Aisne
" A mind-blowing show "
Emmanuel Grazina Boulande Director General of the Services of the Town Hall of Anizy-le-Grand
"Upset by this show. What accuracy! What humanity! "
Joëlle Tourbe, author of Louise Macault teacher
"A spectacle of dramatic intensity that leaves you speechless."Patrick Huclin
"An exceptional staging!"Thomas Hennequin, physician
"A fabulous show, a text, situations that still resonate today.
Only one piece of advice: go for it!Marie-Pierre Duval, Journal L'Union
"A blazing fire and ultimately a message of optimism and confidence in the resources of the human soul."
Laurence Turquin, Vuduchateau.com
"Emotion overwhelmed me. Sublime horror... What a slap!"Queen Sicard
"Theater I tell you!" And real, good. You have to see it, hear it, make it known to still believe in Europe,
his youth, his humanism and his peace. "Jean-Pierre Boureux, Historian
" An exceptional staging, high quality actors, a moving show... an audience touched to the heart
by the story of these two young girls, one German and the other French... two resistance fighters confronted with the dictatorship. "
Marie-Françoise Lefèvre, President of the Aisne Education League
"The text so strong, played by actors so fair, moved me to tears"
Ezio Monsellato, Education League
"A superb text that serves as a magnificent staging"
Isabelle Génin, associate professor at the Sorbonne
"A play rich in emotions"
Thierry Routier, Mayor of Bucy-le-Long, President of the Community of Municipalities of Val de l'Aisne
"3,1,8 and a few crumbs...
Sublime, moving, impactful, magnificent!
I congratulate the actors but also and especially Jean-Bernard Philippot who wrote and directed this little gem! "Elea Wolf
"Resistance(s), A Theatrical UFO"
We had the rare opportunity to attend on Wednesday evening, in Vailly-sur-Aisne, the performance of a theatrical UFO.
In the beginning, after driving in the darkness of the night, we clung, to reassure ourselves, to the scenic device, to the stage-room distinction (very slightly marked, it is true), to the costumes of about era :
“I'm in a theatre, I'm watching a performance of a 'play'. »
The effect of this reassuring thought did not last long. Very quickly, we were caught in the whirlwind that carried away the two frail heroines. Physically frail, of course, because for the character we rarely saw, in the theater or elsewhere, so determined. The name of Antigone comes naturally to hatch under my fingers of the French teacher. But Antigone is a mineral woman, carved in the stone of Greek amphitheatres. Sophie and Doucette are women of flesh and blood, bones, skin, nerves, cartilage… like us.
The Theatrical Incarnation is now fully realized. We are no longer aware of watching and listening to actresses: it is in the contemplation of a religious ceremony that we receive the Word of these torture victims. The lady sitting next to me confirms this, who hasn't stopped sniffling for almost an hour. Usually I can't stand the sniffles. That evening, tears seemed to me the only decent response to the tragedy in which we were a part.
Yes, I thought of a religious ceremony while watching the scene in the middle of which a huge Star of David had just materialized. But let us be clear, if there is a religion, it is a religion whose divinity is Humanity, free and radiant or captive and tortured. His angels and saints are also human beings, as are his demons and reprobates.
Wednesday evening's performance therefore had something to do with the Mysteries of the Middle Ages, revealing to us the modest heroism of these Resistance fighters, these beings so young and so tender, who have become giants through excess of humanity.
Anne Lambert, French teacher

"Resistance(s)" is a show
labeled by La Licra


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